Mahatma Gandhi rightly said, “There is enough for everyone’s need but not enough for anyone’s greed. The conservation of the ailing environment is the need of the hour. The survival of the environment is necessary for the survival of the human race.

Keeping this view in mind the students are made to realize their ethical obligation towards the environment. Environment-protection, promotion and conservation is an integral part of the school curriculum. The Eco club of the school fosters a spirit of concern and care towards our environment. Our students enthusiastically participate in various activities organized by the school:-

  • Celebration of important days like Earth Day, Environment Day etc.
  • Planting trees and gifting saplings.
  • Say ‘No’ to poly bags.
  • Local cleanliness drive
  • Anti-cracker Diwali
  • Celebrating Holi with Herbal colours
  • Importance of 3R’s – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
  • Quiz competitions on environment
  • Poster and slogan making competitions
  • Energy conservation in all forms
  • Best out of waste – Exhibition

Story time(Health is Wealth) and Swachh Bharat

To inculcate the spirit of hygiene, cleanliness in our children from initial years of their schooling a special assembly was organised on 5th October ’16 .To Contribute more towards this a story dramatization was also conducted on “Health is Wealth” emphasizing different activities on hygiene.

Green Drive by TOI

Delhi- a city full of greenery not long ago is losing its charm and its deteriorating air quality is a cause of concern. To make up for the damaged environment and bring back the lost charm, students of class VIII participated in the ‘Green Drive’ organised by TOI by planting tree saplings to make Delhi green and pollution free. Students gave prompt answers to the questions put up by the organisers which inculcated in them a spirit of awareness and responsibility. The enthusiastic and energetic participation by students lived up to the motto of the event-‘Life really grows on trees, Plant one today!’

‘Planting Trees in the Neighbourhood’ – ISA Activity

Trees are called the lungs of the Earth and provide us with life sustaining oxygen. To spread awareness in the society about this green gold of our Earth, the eco-friendly students of Sachdeva Public School, Pitampura planted trees in the neighbourhood and took their learning of the environment to the next higher level – spreading the message of going green.

World Health Day (UKG)

Healthy day was celebrated in the nursery wing with zest and zeal. The teachers presented a story emphasising the importance of healthy food.

ISA Activity- on Environmental Awareness and Poster Making

‘Teaching children about the natural world should be seen as one of the most important events in their lives’.
Sachdeva Public School, Pitampura believes in sensitizing children towards changes in global environment and equipping them with ideas to nurture nature. The school organized a workshop on environmental awareness and conservation in different countries for classes IV and V. This was followed by poster making activity wherein the students showcased their creative aptitude and prepared posters to spread awareness about conservation of environment. The students actively participated in the activity and emphasized their stand towards revamping the current state of affairs to make our earth a better place to live..

Delhi’s Beauty is Everyone‘s Duty Cleanliness Drive

On 16 October 2014, the students of classes VI to VIII of Sachdeva Public School organized an awareness campaign. They along with their teachers organized a rally to sensitize people about the value of cleanliness and the harmful consequences of keeping the surroundings dirty. They visited the neighboring areas and voiced their concerns. They also projected views through slogans and pamphlets. It was a successful event which strived to create awareness among people and encourage the clean action.

Swachh Bharat, Swachh Vidyalaya Abhiyan

Activity Plan under Swachh Bharat, Swachh Vidyalaya Abhiyan.

The following activities will be undertaken by our school between 25th September, 2014 to 31st October, 2014.

L.K.G. – U.K.G.
Cleanliness rally, story dramatization, collage work, Hand washing activity, Special assembly, slogans/banners, quiz, group discussion using Teach Next, rhymes/songs, talk in the classroom

I – II
1. Poster Making
2. Badge Making
3. Awareness campaign

1. Talk in the assembly on teaching of Mahatma Gandhi on cleanliness and hygiene.
2. Cleanliness drive
3. English paragraph writing “Cleanliness is next to godliness”.
4. Green Week (22nd September to 27th September, 2014)

1. Cleanliness drive
2. Painting Competition
3. Essay writing in Hindi

IX – X
1. Postermaking Health and Hygiene
2. Class Board Decoration
3. Slogan writing – Hindi

1. Poster making
2. Movie/Documentary on cleanliness
3. Speech in Assembly
4. Cleanliness from the vision and perspective of Mahatma Gandhi
5. Maintaining Personal and Environmental Hygiene

Earth Day 2014 NURSERY

The earth day was celebrated in the school on 22nd April’14 with lots of fervor. The children dressed as earth, trees and paper bags looked quite attractive. They spread awareness about the ways to save earth by means of a campaign within and outside the school premises. Saving water, using CNG and planting more trees was emphasized upon. They distributed little cut-outs of trees to the people they met on the way. Saplings were later planted by them in the school garden. They spread the important message: – “Plant a tree today, make the earth live longer”.